29 January 2015

How to play two clash of clans in single android device

Playing only one clash of clan is quite boring while waiting for it to finsh upgrading you can easily switch your account and clash while u wait .
The process is very simple :
First if you don't already have two google account you need to create another google (other than the main google account) link it with your adroid phone..
If you have multiple google account skip to step 1.

follow this.
1st step:
Goto settings>>appication manager>>locate clash of clans app>> enter >> press clear data
You are half way done.
2nd steps
Exit from settings or app manager(application manager)
Goto apps menu>> open clash of clans >>let it finsh downloading the game data >> new account will be created. Link your new clash of clans with your new google account.
You are done...

Now to play your old clash of clan account
Repeat 1steps and second steps.

Third steps:
Open clash of clans and in the left corner you will find sign in>> press sign in and a list of all the google account you have linked with your android device will be shown choose your desire. Google account and press ok.
You will be taken to your clash of clan acount or game..
With this process you can play many clans of clans ... 
Thats it enjoy..