29 January 2015

Microsoft HoloLens- Virtual Reality is Here!

Currently there is this interesting flash sales of Yureka and Lenovo A6000 going on. Soon Xiaomi Mi4 will be up for grabs too. And what else?
A lot has happened, to be precise.
But out of all, the most interesting that deserves mention is Microsoft HoloLens apart from the new Windows operating system, Windows 10. There is Cortana and Spartan that needs mention too. But, the thought of virtual reality embedded in reality in real time wins the best tech innovation so far.
So how does it work?
I would say it works like how it did in the movies of Iron Man. But, here instead,you wear a goggle like object. Images are projected on the screen of the HoloLens.
For best understanding, check this video link
It's amazing, right?
In future our very own lives will become a part of the Holographic world. Application in the field of learning is boundless. Or in the field of design. Entertainment or work, it may just well become the next personal computer, but much more cooler, smaller, and better.

I wonder if one day the technology can replicate the way our eyes see. It may well surprise everyone if reality and hologram became one and human had no way of differentiating the two.
But for now, the HoloLens is here and it is ready to shake the way we are living.
You may visit this link for more: Microsoft HoloLens- the possibilities

Posted by Mark Scientists